
Wellness Wednesday - Flourish

Salmon Arm
Revelstoke Centre

The Flourish Wellness Project is offering Wellness Wednesday online workshops once a month this Fall semester, with a special focus on strategies to help you cope during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sarah Lefebure, Counsellor on the Penticton campus, and Samantha Johnson, Counsellor on the Salmon Arm campus, will lead the one-hour drop-in workshops.

Strategies for managing stress

Oct. 21, 2020 @ 11:30 a.m.

Workshop details:

  • Free for all Okanagan College students and employees on any OC campus
  • Drop-in – attend as many or as few workshops as you like
  • Please make sure you have paper and a pen/marker with you for the workshop
  • Try to choose a quiet place in your home where you are less likely to be interrupted
  • To attend any of these workshops, OC students and employees can self-register for the Flourish Wellness Workshop Moodle.  To do so, please log into Moodle, click Site home at the left and search for Flourish.

Please note:

This is not a counselling group. Individuals requiring therapeutic support are encouraged to seek individual counselling (e.g. through OC Counselling Services for students and the Employee and Family Assistance Program for employees)

These workshops are designed to be pscyho-educational, which means they will help you to learn about topics related to psychology and how to take care of yourself.

To protect the privacy of other participants, we ask that you take what you learned and leave what you heard, especially any specific information about other participants.

Learn about Flourish and Wellness Wednesdays